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Makonat Pro - Machine Plaster

Makonat Pro - Machine Plaster

Makonat Pro is applied on bricks, concretes, gas concretes ,pumice blocks etc. It is a bagged gypsum-based concentrated ready to use plaster that can be applied directly on the materials by machine. It is A1 class fireproof material that provides sound insulation.

Machine Plaster EPD Certificate Machine Plaster EPD Certificate
Makonat Pro 2025 TSE Certificate Makonat Pro 2025 TSE Certificate
Makonat Pro Trademark Registration Certificate Makonat Pro Trademark Registration Certificate
Physical Form white powder
Plaster/Water Ratio 10 Kg for 6.5- 7.0 Lt Water
Usage Period 90-120 Minutes
Freezing Time 180-220 Minutes
Dry Unit Weight 650-750 Kg/m3
Consumption Amount 7.0-7.5 Kg/m2 (For Every 1 cm Thickness)
Compressive Strength ≥ 2.0 N/mm3
Flexural Strength ≥ 1.0 N/mm3
Bond Strength -
Response to Fire Class A1
Related Standard TS EN 13279-1.2 (Type B4- Machine Applied)

It should be free from dirty materials such as dust, oil, paint. Extremely dry, hot and highly absorbent surfaces should be moistened with water. The surface of the ceilings should be roughened before applying the plaster or primed with a material that allows the mortar to stick to the surface. There should not be air flow or circulation in the environment during the application. The application temperature should be between +5 and +40 oC.

It is prepared in the plaster machine with the enough proportion of plaster/water (6.5-7.0 lt water / 10 kg MAKONATPRO). The mortar is sprayed on the surface by machine. The application thickness is determined with the help of slabs according to the smoothness of the surface. Correction is made with a trowel. When the surface reaches a consistency that will not collapse when lightly pressed with a finger, trifiling is performed.
After the trifiling process, the surface will be ready for painting by polishing again with a steel trowel.

Polypropylene bag 25 kg ( ± 2 % )

Maximum 15 bags should be stockpiled on top of each other in a dry place. The bags should be stored in such a way that they do not touch the ground and be protected from moisture and condensation. It should be used within 6 months from the production date.